Healing is not linear: Part 1

A lot of the times, you go through situations that shape and influence you whether you admit it or not. Drastic and minor changes in life forces you to change your direction and make decisions. In order for change to happen, we must be aware of what you went through. Awareness is the tools that allow starting your healing journey. You can increase your awareness by practicing journaling, meditation, and sitting with your feelings. This may be uncomfortable for some, but be patient with you. Don’t be afraid to ask for support in this stage. You are just at the start of your journey!

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After awareness, comes the acceptance stage. This part of acceptance my take time depending on what it is you went through. Ask yourself what does acceptance mean to you? My definition of acceptance is fully accepting it with all its parts including the good and the bad. Some ways you can work in this are: mantra (I forgive myself), writing a letter to yourself about what you experienced and breath work. The breath work that helps is deep breathing with your eyes closed and sitting with the emotions.

            As for commitment, it means sticking to your goal action steps. Consistency is key to making progress. An easy way is to write down your steps to reach small and bigger goals. Once you write it down, have it somewhere you can see it to remind yourself.  Also, having your own mantra like I am committed to my healing.

There are other steps and stages of healing that will be in part two of this blog post. Keep an eye out for part 2!

If you have any questions, reach out to me @embracing_wellbeing on instagram or go to the contact page!


Healing is not linear: Part 2


Self-care is important